Earman stultifying
Earman stultifying

earman stultifying

It is simply a fraternal organization of men whose friendship and regard for each other was formed and cemented amid the fire of battle. Which is the fundamental law of the order, that uothing of a political nature shall be discussed in the Post room. It is provided in the rules and regulatious.

earman stultifying

The fact is that the Grand Army of the Republic is absolutely nonpartisan. The man who should attempt to slander such au order is unflt to live in a republic, and I can only explain its appearance in your columns by the supposition that you have been lmposed upon by some former Kuight of the Golden Circle sending the same to you as commuulcation, whleh was thoughtlessly msertcd. It is a scurrilous attempt to bring into dierepute an organization of old Boldlers to whose steadfast endurance and heroism in other days we owe our present existeuce as a nation. It grossly misrepreseuts our order which 1 esteem. Deuiocrats who read and think for tliemseives caiinot bc pulled around by Commander Suiith and his Lieutenant Morst.1." Did the above falsehood onlv refer to me personally 1 should treat it with the silent contempt which it merits.

earman stultifying

Smitli, are working hard to couvert the weakminded deuiocrats to join the Mullican Guards, but have met with very poor success. under the lead of Deputy Collector Morse and Dr. 27th occurs the following which needs correction : " Miles Post G. To the editor of the Port llurou Commercial. Jt will thus reach a nuinber of the readers of the Commercial and enable them to learn thefactsas they are, and not as they are falsely represented In that paper. Talbot & Co., wbo stated that it was too long to get ia that week, and adding, "We are pressed with council business, bnt if satisiaetory to you will appear next week." As the paper of the next week, and even the followlug week, failed to contain niy letter or any correction of the slanderons falsehood about our Post, I enclose niy coninuinication to you with a reqest tor its pnhlieation in your columns. The rcceipt of the commuuieation was acknowledged by postal card by Messrs. 27th, theaccompanyin letter was forwarded to that paper upon Sept. R., in the Port llurou Comnerclal Of Aug. To the editor of the Port Hurón Times: In view of a misrepresentation of Miles Post, G.

Earman stultifying